Small Tupuānuku
40mm x 40mm
My grandfather, Kene Te Whata, showed my Pākeha dad how to lay down hangi many years ago when Dad was a young man. Because of this, Dad did all our whānau hangi based on Grandads kōrero. In turn, Dad taught each of us as we were growing up.
I laid my last hangi with Dad in 2017, 3 months before he went to be with the Lord.
I had planned to prep with my kids, but things changed and I got to prep with my 87 year old dad. Listening to his kōrero I saw another side of him that I had never met before. I miss my dad incredibly. I am glad that things changed that day and it was Dad and I.
Tupuānuku takes me back to those hangis, to the vege prep and the laying of the baskets. You can't beat hangi potatoes and cabbage!
Moe mai e Pop, moe mai, moe mai, moe mai te rangatira.